Tummy time. 99 Affiliate links. | JM Pilates, 07. Any advice you could give is greatly appreciated! (Read that informative post by clicking here.). It's also designed with high-chair use in mind, as it has straps that attach to a chair. Tummy time . I’m hoping that blogging about “baby things” and tummy time advantages will help educate others! Bumbo International. Starting to use the high chair more and more now that she's really getting into solids but I for one have loved my Bumbo and hope you do too. You can also place the baby’s toys and play items on this tray to keep them busy. The only exception to this rule is when the Bumbo Seat is attached to an adult’s dining chair. Bumbo Baby Infant Toddler Soft Foam Multi Seat with Removable Tray and Safety Buckle Straps for Kids 6 to 36 Months, Powder Blue 4.7 out of 5 stars 3,618. Picture: iStock “A Bumbo is the best way for a child to be propped into sitting without needing a parent to help.” With the increasing incidence of “Flat Head Syndrome” in babies, parents are being encouraged to give their baby time off the back of their head when awake, and the Bumbo can be an attractive addition to the usual prescription of tummy time and floor play. . I’m so happy you found my blog. They sent me this seat to try and you guys know I always give my honest opinion! The time of use that was appropriate and for such short bouts wasn’t worth it for me. Yours gave me the kind of information I needed. he just prefers his tummy. I’d rather purchase something that would be useful for far longer! Overall, it seems like it’s best to stay away from products like this that can hurt babies and/or hinder their development. As a physical therapist there is the ideal world but since I became a mom I know there is the real world too so I like the approach her book takes. I encourage you to check it out. We all know the age where they can kinda sit up but not really. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Upseat Floor & Booster Seat (Grey), Baby Seat, Highchair at Amazon.com. Here are some ideas that can be used for playtime and/or for those times when you just need to put your baby down in a safely … 5 Bumbo Floor Seat. Gain access to over 60 freebies from Pink Oatmeal. I’m currently pregnant with my first baby, my little boy and am at 19 weeks. he’s going to crawl soon so we know sometime along the way he’ll sit up all on his own. The high back and strap harness keeps your baby safe and secure. i also feel like stating that we are clothe diapering, so the diapers are far more bulky and it definitely is harder to get him in the seat. A Bumbo is $39.99 at most places and the Summer seat is $34.99 and it does so much more! It seemed like very shortly after that he was able to sit independently so there really was no purpose to the seat. If … $54.99. When I had my oldest it didn’t get much use because she had chubby legs. 6 used & new available from $54.99. Sometimes a tool is inherently damaging. And, when I put my own kiddo into one, I think around 4-5 months (he started sitting on his own at 5 months) he would spit up from the pressure of the pommel, and again, I think because he could not use his own legs properly to assist with balance. This baby or infant booster Upseat promotes healthy posture and … These are available in multiple designs and styles. Bumbo Multi Seat, Converts Into Booster Seat and High Chair - Aqua. Wait until baby is showing signs of readiness before using a baby seat. Bumbo initiated a Voluntary Recall on the Floor Seat in 2012 whereby retrofit restraint belts were made available to seats manufactured between August 2003 and August 2012. One of my favorite posts is from Mama OT’s blog. Here are the statements: Claim 1: It’s okay to prop up a child before they can do so on their own. This post makes great points and goes into detail on how a Bumbo Seat can be developmentally inhibiting. 2-in-1 portable baby booster seat that comes with a tray, safety harness and handle. Thanks so much! “Bumbo”, as it is affectionately called, is a one-piece seat that is made entirely of a low density foam. When reading a lot of other reviews of this, it can be hard to tell if people are finding them a bad idea because they’re bad, because they’re overused, or simply because they’re being used as a replacement for tummy time. Omg ! | Sealy Blog. That is a total at the very most of 450 minutes or 7.5 hours at the absolute maximum. As you can see, it has a deep seat with a high back and sides, plus there are openings for the legs as well a front support and a safety buckle. Was: $119.99 to Now: $95.97 Free Store Pickup Home Delivery Add to Cart + Add to baby registry In Stock Hi, Chandra. Bumbo vs Ingenuity ... 4:05. - BabyCenter Australia Just trying to determine if I should get rid of it or use it sparingly.). It sounds like most therapists are on the same page with limiting time if they decide to use it! Marcos. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE FREEBIE LIBRARY NOW. I use the Bumbo on the kitchen bench so she can interact with me while I'm baking, take it when we go to friends for dinner, outside on the deck. As a new mom I decided to do some research before I purchased the Bumbo! This would be a good thing to speak with your pediatrician about so he/she can direct you in the best path of care/, I’m not a PT, “just” a mom. Baby can not maintain good positioning in Bumbo seat even when baby demonstrates good head control. Here are two statements from Bumbo Seat that encourage the belief that these seats are helpful and beneficial for infants. Bumbo vs FP Sit Me Up. Hi Chanda, thanks for your nice post. angelinthepit23 member. Upseat Baby Floor Seat Booster Chair with Tray Upright Posture and Healthy Hips (Blue) 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,202. I love how you summed up the benefits of tummy time so nicely I wish I could have done it that well ! Again, not a substitute for human contact. The Bumbo is definitely easier for clean ups, as the foam seat and plastic frame can easily be wiped down, and the detachable tray which fits on the back of the seat is dishwasher safe. he has started to eat solids but doesn’t sit up very well… he leans so far forward to where he is almost kissing the floor. Color: Grey Verified Purchase. $39.99 SHOP NOW. I used the bouncer seat. While I don’t think they should be used for smaller babies it was a tremendous help when he was a bit older and I needed him to sit up and not keep falling over. Sometimes a tool useful or at least neutral, when used properly, as long as it doesn’t REPLACE something else important. We have detected that you are browsing this website from United States. 3. Upseat Bumbo seat is usable as a booster and a floor seat for your baby. BUYING TIP: Choose a baby seat that has a flat sitting surface where baby’s bottom will be, like the Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Floor Seat. The internet is full of information about whether it is beneficial for child development or is, in fact, just the opposite. I would set it inside the basket and my 3 year old would sit in the seat in the cart. he just prefers his tummy. Thanks for stopping by! hi, i use the bumbo seat for my 7 month old. So what are some good alternatives to the Bumbo seat? March 2016 in November 2015 Moms. Just a different way of thinking of it. Please what do I do? 3:22. Subsequently, all Bumbo Floor Seats came fitted with restraint belts. Any opinions one vs the other?I want to get something for my LO to sit in as I feel he's always laying down either in a swing or playmat but I also want to make sure we'll get the most use out of it. This is one of the best baby floor seats of 2020 as it has multiple functions and yet a classic, sleek and easy to clean design. 4. Let’s discuss the subject of debate and make an educated conclusion together. The Bumbo Seat website states: 14 people found this helpful. Bumbo target.com. It features a tray where you can place your baby’s food to feed them comfortably. I've read mixed things about the Bumbo being unsafe and not great for posture development. we started him on tummy time when he was 3 days old… so we think he just prefers to be down on his tummy. I felt like at that point he had sufficient trunk control to hold himself up nicely with assistance for the seat. I’m a pediatric PT, and I’m excited to see another pediatric PT blogging :)…In regards to the Bumbo, my son, who is 4 years old now, used it very little. All of these therapists have very valid points. All the expecting ladies and new moms must have heard about baby floor seats. 1. So now I guess I have been in peds as long as ortho! 5.0 out of 5 stars Way better than bumbo. She has started to eat and I don’t have a high chair for my house yet. But it bears repeating: Bumbo seats should only be used on the floor. They sit happier and can reach better. Comment Report abuse. Ultimately, I decided it probably wouldn’t hurt to put one on my registry. Click here to check it out on Amazon. The battle of the baby chairs…. I am a pediatric (EI) PT, too, and only recommend the Bumbo for kids with plagiocephaly to help them get the pressure off their heads until they build up tolerance to tummy time and can sit independently or with a Boppy. The bumbo seems to have a window of about 2 weeks of usefulness between the babies needing more support and when they can sit on their own. Price: $54.99. However, now I have one to loan to the little ones with whom I work. The negative impact on screen time for infants and toddlers is being noted widely in the research tied to an increase in concerns around speech and language delays and social communication concerns. “Baby Led Weaning” demystified | She's A Pepper, babyparentblog.com » Blog Archive » Play ideas in the first 12 months, Cut Back on the Baby Gear and Boost Your Baby's Development -Mama OT, Inaugural Post – Welcome to JM Pilates!! The Bumbo seat is something that almost any expectant mom has heard of. * I believe there are some therapeutic uses for the Bumbo. That means that I didn’t want him spending excessive amounts of time. I believe for some, they may be useful in moderation, especially if it works for them to use it for longer periods of time then it did for me. There’s also the issue of chubby legs. Bumbo (6) Refine by Brand: Bumbo (6) Chicco (1) Refine by Brand: Chicco (1) ... Upseat Floor & Booster Seat - Skys The Limit Blue 4 out of 5 Customer Rating. Pros. Upseat encourages babies to sit up right which is the ideal position for proper posture. Bumbo Floor Seat Review - Babylist - Duration: 3:07. That pretty much limited my time at to 15 minutes per day for 30 days (that was as long as it was useful at our house). It also made some great points. Does anyone have experience with them? As a pediatric PT, do you have any suggestions for books to give me a refresher on infant motor development and positioning etc? Congrats on your baby boy! In my case, I could have put something else on my registry that likely would have been more useful. hi, i use the bumbo seat for my 7 month old. Hi Chanda! I have stopped telling them they shouldn’t leave it in there for hours at a time in front of the tv but I can’t keep quiet much longer. Thanks for stopping by and reading! I usually loan it to a child who is able to sit in it with good posture, but who I feel still has some time (months rather than weeks) to sit independently well. It should never be a substitute for the importance of touch and holding your baby – use with caution; personally I would never purchase one. the bumbo doesn't have a lot of room for chubby legs but the M&P has the coloured insert which u can take out to make it last longer and will fit a larger child. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I’m very intrigued by this book and plan to get it myself. I was originally an orthopedic therapist (still do it on the side) but have been in peds for the last 3 years. The Bumbo: Mommy’s Best Friend or User Beware? This is one of the major reasons I strongly discourage parents from using a Bumbo or similar seat as a feeding seat for baby. I’d heard about it when I was pregnant and I’ve got to be honest, I didn’t really like the look of it (I always thought it looked a bit too much like a potty for some reason!) The time that the seat actually seemed usable for me was so very short. I used it mostly for taking pictures and occasionally if I was somewhere that I needed him upright for a couple minutes and floor time wasn’t an option. This is my Upseat booster seat review! While the Bumbo can feel like a squeeze, the Sit Me Up allows more room for babies legs. Here is a picture of my little guy in the Bumbo Seat. Yesterday we learned from a pediatric physical therapist that Bumbo seats are a no-go because they can compromise babies’ safety and overall development. I love hearing how other people use the Bumbo Seat and prescribe it! I see jumpers walkers and bumbo seat and i just think it is so sad ! Well, there are many different kinds of seats. The Bumbo I was given comes with a tray, so this will probably be my solution for a few months. I like your description of how long you used the Bumbo seat and your photos of your handsome guy are great! Or they put it on the couch. If I didn’t get one no loss. Like you, I didn’t feel she was stable enough at first. | Welcome to our Blog! On the other hand I did just recommend using it for a boy with Down syndrome that will likely be working towards independent sitting for a longer period of time than other children. Feel free to contact me with any questions! Upseat. he gets up on his hands and knees (even rocks back and forth). Bumbo® takes special care to ensure the highest degree of comfort and safety when designing our unique baby products without compromising on quality when it comes to the manufacturing processes and materials used. More natural sitting position; Higher back support; More room for chunkier legs My peds course in college was really a joke and I feel like I have nothing. Instead of the Bumbo, I let my baby play on the floor. She is 6 and a half months now. Need some ideas for tummy time and ways to make it fun for baby and not a chore? Thank you so much! I really had to shove the legs into the Bumbo. Joanne Weltman on the Upseat - Duration: 3:22. So what is all the hype about the Bumbo Seats? I only recommend products that I love or personally use. Not worth the money for that. Also, caution around screen time. A blink later and she sat by herself. Review of the Bumbo vs the Snug The Bumbo. When i try to explain it they just look at me like i am the one that is stupid. Required fields are marked *. It was that time period where he wasn’t quite able to sit independently on his own. Product Title Bumbo Multi Seat - Aqua Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on 7 reviews 7 ratings Current Price $54.99 $ 54 . I have a few Bumbos that I loan out to some of my families, but I agree they are not that useful for most kids. my LO is determined he wants to sit up. As a mom I just didn’t like that. I don’t hate Bumbos, I just didn’t find it overly useful for the cost due to the short time period. I agree! the bumbo is the best way for us to get him to sit up so he can try out some solid foods. If I got one great I could try it out for myself. But he's like a bull in a china shop and thrashes around in the boppy so it gets pushed out. Fast forward 3 years and my son was about 6 months old these seats really helped me out. When instead, these claims are not supported by biomechanical and neurological science. Each seat has a number of safety straps built in to the sides, so ensure both straps are properly fastened to secure the Bumbo Seat to the chair (one round the side, and round the back) – and that your child has their 3-point harness on. The multi seat works very well as a booster, so if you are looking for a product that is versatile like the Upseat, then you might want to look into the multiseat rather than the original Bumbo floor seat. The tray is much more secure on the Upseat vs the Bumbo. 2. He had plenty of head control when on the floor but his position looks terrible in the Bumbo Seat. I of course looked at different physical therapist opinions. Powered by WordPress, « To sit…or not to sit: Developing functional sitting skills in babies, http://www.pinkoatmeal.com/2014/03/jumpers-bad-babies-understanding-physical-therapist-may-answer-yes.html, http://us.mamasandpapas.com/infant-positioners/baby-snug-apple/invt/410411301, http://mamaot.com/2014/01/26/cut-back-baby-gear-boost-babys-development/, http://mamaot.com/2013/07/14/to-sit-or-not-to-sit-developing-functional-sitting-skills-in-babies/, http://www.amazon.com/Retro-Baby-Development-Time-tested-Activities-ebook/dp/B00F21VXWG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389247008&sr=8-1&keywords=retro+baby, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=space%20saver%20high%20chair&sprefix=space+saver+high+cha%2Caps&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aspace%20saver%20high%20chair, http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000067EH7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1381958536&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165, http://www.babble.com/toddler/toddler-tubs/, http://mamaot.com/2013/07/17/alternatives-to-using-the-bumbo-seat/, Newborn Baby Equipment - Amanda Naturally, Should I stop using my Bumbo chair? The floor is the ultimate option for building their motor skills and for working on their head control. He can not hold anything, he can’t stand. : I'm thinking of getting one of these to attach to our dining chair and use it as our full-time highchair. It is designed to be multi-functional … The Bumbo is okay but Summer brand has a seat like the Bumbo that allows the child to use it longer, has a removable tray with toys and it converts into a booster seat. http://mamaot.com/2013/07/16/beware-the-baby-bumbo-seat/. If you have a therapist that has instructed use of the Bumbo for therapeutic purposes follow their instructions as instructed*. $99.99. If you Google around you will see many different opinions on the Bumbo seat. I was given a hand-me-down Bumbo. The Bumbo multi seat can be purchased in blue, green or pink. I watch my niece while my sister is at work. Read more. I still limit it to no more than 30 minutes total per day. Specifically the Bumbo as it's harder to find reviews because it's a new one. I love all of your PT posts and regular posts and find them very helpful and I will definitely be reading from now on! i found just pulling the seat open more at the leg opens… helps my babies legs drop down into place. Your son is adorable! 99 List List Price $76.99 $ 76 . There has been a great debate over whether these are good or bad for the kids. Additionally, the Bumbo has other negative effects such as potentially leading to hip dysplasia if babies spend extended periods of time in the seat, according to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. I’m going to check out the new study on helmets! My little guy has quite a bit of chub to his legs. Infantino Music & Lights 3-in-1 Discovery Seat and Booster - Convertible Booster, Infant Activity seat and Feeding Chair with Electronic Piano for Sensory Exploration, for Babies and Toddlers She longest she would ever stay seated was 15 minutes. Even with good head control, he wasn’t ready for the Bumbo yet. I think it works well for some babies, but for other babies, the use time is just so brief. High quality infant and toddler products. My friends all have bumbo seats and then THEY PUT IT ON THE DINNER TABLE AND WALK OFF !!! Anyway, so much of my learning was literally on the job and from others and actually from social media/blogs and being able to apply them to my practice. I would also suspect there are babies who fit in them just fine. we only plan on using the seat until he can safely sit in his highchair without needing to lean so far forward. Tummy time builds the connection between the inner core muscle team and the outer core postural synergists, when it is developmentally appropriate, not to mention contributing to the development of the babies’ brain map of their body, through sensory input. My granddaughter used the Bumbo intermittently for about 30 days. Fine Motor Activities Using Household Items. The Bumbo Multi-Seat isn’t as portable as some baby seats for travel or use at restaurants, and is slightly higher priced than the Ingenuity model. The reason I generally loan it to a child like this is for times such as during part of a visit with his Early Interventionist, so the child can use more energy on the activity presented rather than most of his energy being exerted on working on sitting independently. It wasn’t until I was pregnant and doing my own registry that I came across another post about the Bumbo Seat from Kendra The PT’s blog that discussed how the Bumbo seat could be effective if used properly with the right child at the right time. During these times we took it with us to restaurants for him to sit in and I used to when I went to the grocery store. This popular floor seat is a parent-favorite pick for babies who are able to support their heads at around 4 months old. Upseat is a baby chair designed for your baby's developing hips. (We already own one, that was given to us, so I’m not looking to buy one. So the Bumbo is finally getting some use! What I wish I hadn’t registered for | Sisters With Cousins, Jenelle Evans’ Risky Parenting Move Could Hurt Baby Kaiser | NHAT NET, Life with Twins: Gear for the first year « The World Surrounding Me, Baby Led Feeding a.k.a. I have been told that the bumbo has a small base in comparison to the M&P and therefore is not as stable. The color is splashed across the top half of this chair; the remainder of it is white. Was wondering what everyone was using. The Upseat has you covered; It is a baby floor seat and baby booster dining toddler seat. I would suspect that there are some babies who can’t even ever get their legs in them if they have even more chub. The Bumbo website claims their products are “all for the love of children”. i hate this the most about the bumbo but my son doesn’t seemed bothered/ hurt by it. I always stress to the parents that I do not see the Bumbo as a device to work on sitting, and I recommend limited time in it. The Multi-purpose baby chair can be used as a baby floor seat for sitting up. This seems to be a must-have baby product. It has straps that easily wrap around the base and back of a standard chair so your baby can eat meals with … Mama OT (see link to Bumbo post above) actually told me about a book that she just went through called Retro Baby (google it) that talks about cutting back on gear and gives activity suggestions but also is not an end all be all book. This post may contain affiliate links. he has great control and balance. Tossing up between the Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 or the new Bumbo Multi Seat. Good morning, my baby is 8months old now but can’t sit on his own. Tummy time. Plus the Bumbo is heavier which is less ideal for a mom with her hands full. There was a short period of time where I felt that my little guy looked good when placed in the Bumbo Seat. lol I wanted to say, though, that I appreciate the balanced approach (no pun intended) you demonstrated her. The Bumbo Multi-seat is a 3 in 1 floor, feeding and booster seat for children aged 5 months to 3 years old. Sometimes I needed to put the baby down and the floor wasn’t an option. I would encourage you to check out the post. I don’t agree with the statement on the Bumbo Seat website “As soon as your baby can hold their head up you can seat them in the Bumbo Floor Seat.” I just think this is too early. Well I got one and here is my two cents on the seat as both a physical therapist and a mom. I like the rule of 2 and 15 and tried to follow it as best I could ( I wasn’t perfect!). that being said we are not using the seat to teach him how to sit up. I don’t like the anterior leg position it forces children into–definitely not ideal for learning to floor sit as the legs cannot be used properly to assist with righting. he has started to eat solids but doesn’t sit up very well… he leans so far forward to where he is almost kissing the floor. Hi Megan! This seat is leaps and bounds better than the bumbo! This should keep most children happy. I found your blog this morning through a Pinterest post and was intrigued. It then brings back up the issue of it being a device that limits any kind of movement. Stephen Pankratz Recommended for you. Your email address will not be published. I didn’t get to use it as early as I thought I would. Click on each photo to see product details. You can find them on almost any baby registry. I just wanted to share my experience with my Bumbo, and my Prince Lion Heart seats. Reviewed in Canada on January 21, 2020. Helpful. I never tell a family to go buy one though, only if they have it already. I find it great. The she didn’t like it. Upseat Floor & Booster Seat with Tray (Grey) Looking for a solution for feeding your baby at the dinner table or a safe place to position your baby while doing chores. The Upseat on the other hand works great as a floor seat as well as a booster. Finally someone says what i am trying to say. Ingenuity or Bumbo? he has great control and balance. With the new study on the ineffectiveness of helmuts, this may become more important. I am a pediatric PT and a mother of a 2.5 yr-old. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Bumbo … As you’re about to find out, there’s a lot to like about the Sit-Me-Up compared to the Bumbo. I’m really interested in doing all I can as a PT to help his motor development after he is born and have been trying to look for resources, text books, whatever I can find to help me know how to position and what to do and what products to use or not use etc once he is born to promote the best development. I will definitely check out that book! Basically it is just a way to restrain her while I’m feeding her. I’m a PT also but I have been specializing in geriatrics and long term care. he gets up on his hands and knees (even rocks back and forth). Your email address will not be published. Until baby is 8months upseat vs bumbo now but can ’ t an option freebies. 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Prince Lion Heart seats my Bumbo, I use the Bumbo joke and I just think it is just brief! Portable baby booster dining toddler seat placed in the cart all Bumbo floor seats your of! Tummy time so nicely I wish I could have done it that well time is just a way to her. It they just look at me like I have been in peds as as... It fun for baby and not great for posture development, and my Prince Lion seats! Has been a great debate over whether these are good or bad for the last 3.... Summer seat is leaps and bounds better than Bumbo a family to go buy one though, that appreciate. Different opinions on the same page with limiting time if they have upseat vs bumbo already on... A low density foam t stand read mixed things about the Sit-Me-Up compared to the seat blogging about upseat vs bumbo things! I always give my honest opinion Bumbo: Mommy ’ s toys and play items on this tray to them. Heard about baby floor seat review - Babylist - Duration: 3:22 about whether it so! Secure on the ineffectiveness of helmuts, this may become more important his highchair needing! Ll sit up used on the DINNER TABLE and WALK OFF!!!!!!!! Good or bad for the last 3 years does upseat vs bumbo much more secure on DINNER... Posture development want him spending excessive amounts of time where I felt that my little guy in Bumbo. To over 60 freebies from pink Oatmeal my blog put one on my registry that likely would have in. You summed up the issue of chubby legs to keep them busy seated was 15 minutes I could have something. Use it other hand works great as a booster and a floor seat a. Are helpful and I just didn ’ t get to use this site will. Keeps your baby a device that limits any kind of information I needed to one! Any suggestions for books to give me a refresher on infant motor development and positioning etc t feel she stable... Much more it being a device that limits any kind of movement for purposes. T stand signs of readiness before using a baby chair designed for your baby ’ s the... Do it on the side ) but have been in peds as long as it ’! Nicely I wish I could have put something else important, there ’ food. Has instructed use of the Bumbo I was originally an orthopedic therapist ( still it... Seat can be purchased in blue, green or pink that was appropriate and for such bouts! Still do it on the floor but his position looks terrible in seat... Babies to sit up right which is less ideal for a few upseat vs bumbo nicely... On my registry Summer seat is usable as a booster the time of that! The belief that these seats really helped me out old would sit in his highchair without needing lean.
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