astrological predictions for us elections

Mercury stationary direct on November 3 brings the potential for communication and technology breakdowns, disinformation, false news, disagreements, and travel delays. Anger and frustration are turning to rebellion, on both sides of the political fence. The 2020 US Election astrology aspects point to … Mercury stationary direct square Saturn creates narrow-minded, pessimistic, and judgemental thinking. The contestants are Trump and Biden. Who in America actually needs such a warning yours truly isn't certain but there it is. Jupiter conjunct Pluto could make people more philosophical, ethical, moral, generous, and community-minded. I thank him for his tireless work for all Americans, and he loves the USA. Mercury retrograde occurs when the … His Gemini Sun is aligned with the fixed star Ensis, which means that he can get defensive when arguing his points. (Makes sense, right?) The bullying/mocking tone is an extreme embarrassment. It's important to note that on October 2, when Trump announced he had tested positive for COVID-19, it was just hours after the potent Full Harvest Moon, and a day after a planetary clash between a fraught Mars retrograde (dominance) and Saturn (authority). His hatred of immigrants (his own family immigrated from Germany) even though Chinese/Latinos/Africans built America. So as well as endless arguments, lies, scandal and slander, and election fraud, a contested election result is likely. However, his Sag Moon also allows him to defend his views passionately and fiercely. In other words? This is the most unpredictable election that has ever taken place in America so far, due to Mercury’s direct station and Mars’ continued backwards spin, both transits that have never occurred together during an American presidential election. Explosive stuff. A member of the Democratic Party, Biden is a candidate for president in the 2020 election. But as a leader who has to make agreements and deals with other political players, this can be an affective tool in getting them to eventually see his way of thinking. The time is coming for the election. Oprah Says "Civility" is at Stake in This Election, How Oprah Reacted to Joe Biden's Election. This is excellent for his election campaign as it gives intellectual power and a very persuasive communication style. But the major theme is that of change. Looking ahead to the 2020 Presidential Election, Rep. Adam Schiff warns that the election is enormously vulnerable to hacking and foreign influence. Mercury square Saturn stays within a one-degree orb from October 30 to November 8. The Sun square the Moon in the chart indicates an important and climactic year, a year of beginnings, endings, changes and milestones. The Moon squares off with Neptune retrograde, which will add a somewhat confusing and compassionate vibe. You sound just like all the other Democratic Doubters. 'Don't ever talk to the president that way': Donald Trump snaps at reporter Of course there’s substance there, NO ELECTION WINNER HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED YET BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES for a reason. Please note that these predictions were written prior to Dec 28, 2019 in case some of them come true before you read them. In other words, back in 2016, he was having advantageous astrological transit. This means that his health diagnosis was indeed devastating, but it also shook up the trajectory he thought his life was going to take. Both have challenging transits from Mercury direct. Lies, propaganda, lost votes, and a contested result are possible. And to the trolls, you will soon find out where lies, coercion and bullying get you in life. We still need Mr. Trump! The final astrology prediction will be given in last week of October 2020. 2020 US Election Prediction. And having said that, it’s also important to state that as an astrologer, it’s part of my job to remain neutral at all times while making judgements on mundane cosmic energies. Some aspects coming up that may interest you. (We have recently seen Trump get acquitted in his impeachment trial – 5/2/2020.When I wrote this article back in April 2019, it was fairly clear to me that he would still be with us … US presidential poll: Amid various polls conducted to predict the next US President, astrologers have also expressed their opinion after studying the stars of the main contenders. It probably goes to the Supreme Court and then all hell breaks loose once the decision is made. The Vice President was born during the Waxing Full Moon in Taurus; the Moon was in orbit to reach its exact luminescence, which would occur two days later. But, either/or, neither/nor, NOT to run this country! Now, May has started and not much time has left, only 6 months. In 2023, Pluto follows. President Trump's Sun is also currently in Gemini in his Midheaven, which is the house of his career. During the last election in 2016, Donald Trump was just beginning his Jupiter return in Libra, which is a 13 year transit in which fortunate Jupiter returns to the degree in which you were born. In Bidens horoscope: sec sun quincunx sec jupiter (full in december), sec mercury opposite jupiter (full in january), solar arc MC closing in to opposite saturn and solar arc saturn closing in to node. Saturn is trine Trump’s Midheaven, Jupiter trine Bidens Midheaven. On 3 rd November 2020 the biggest election of the world is going to take place. Many astrologers have been taking to the social media platforms to predict whether … The president of the united states. One thing is for sure: According to the stars, this will be one of most unpredictable elections in history. Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 a.m. in Jamaica, New York. From his earliest ‘pussy-grabbing’ remarks 2 his love of dictators/weapons/anti Paris Climate/WHO/lack of appropriate tax-paying/outsourcing products 4 sale (MAGA hats made in CHINA) & multitudes of other falsities. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, 8 Things to Know About Kamala Harris' Husband, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s Astrology Charts, Joe Biden's Dogs Major and Champ Have Tons of Fans, A Look at Joe and Jill Biden’s Beautiful Romance, 27 Political Books to Read Before the Election, 8 Things To Know About Kamala Harris's Sister, Why Kamala Harris's Choice of Sneakers Matters, Kamala Harris's Step-Kids Call Her "Momala", 15 of Kamala Harris's Most Inspiring Quotes. Mercury retrograde occurs when the trickster planet slows down and Earth begins to move faster. Neptune is square trumps Uranus, but trine Joe’s Vertex. In Trump’s horoscope, cancer is getting the aspect of Moon. As an interesting astrological study, the 14 December 2020 solar eclipse does seem to be influential in the lead up to the elections, and I am specifically referring to the 15 th October 2020 ‘revelations’ by the New York Post of nefarious dealings by Joe Biden and especially his son Hunter Biden … The Sun in Scorpio, meanwhile, denotes a powerful force who can at times be a little rough around the edges. They remember the Mercury retrograde election of 2000 and that long, exhausting recount. We may earn commission from the links on this page. Joe Biden has more positive transits than Trump, who has more challenging ones. Apart from this, he made his second run for the president of U.S.A in 2008 as a democrat. Troubled & Impatient Trump. CDT. ), 2020 Venus in Libra indicates that the same party will remain in power , in the White House at least. Election Day on Nov 3rd as Merc stationed Direct made me believe that this isn’t even close to being resolved. This probably favors Joe Biden but the potential for civil unrest, violence, and rebellion is not good for anyone. The pre-election moon phases last until November 15. It makes sense to start with a country that is frequently mentioned within world news. So it is causing anger, impulsiveness, hostility, delays, intensity, extremism, and a ruthless quest for power. By now, I know you're wondering: Okay, this is all great, but who will win the election? However, no sign of victory is there. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); transits to the horoscopes of Donald Trump and Joe Biden gives some insights on who will be the next president of the USA. Jupiter and Saturn go into Aquarius, the sign of diversity, community and equality in December 2020. In 2016, I saw that the astrological community was very divided on who was going to win the presidential elections, but I noticed that these astrologers had one thing in common: their predictions were driven more by bias than astrology. A Supreme Court judge’s wife has an online link to a revealing video, called, “The Biden Crime Family – How They’ve Made Millions.” I’m sure he’s a nice enough man, and Ms. Harris is so young and looked so happy. Thanks to Mercury retrograde, this exact aspect will occur again on November 6, and the first pass of this planetary configuration will offer us clues toward who will take the White House. Vertex, nothing doin, magnets discharging. Mercury is retrograde until halfway through Election Day in the U.S. Jupiter meets up with shadowy Pluto in Capricorn during the second half of November and sparks a post-election backlash. So based on the cosmos, plus President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden's birth charts, here’s my astrological take on the candidates and the 2020 election. We Asked the "Outlander" Cast to Sum Up Season 5, Your Guide to Voting in Every State (and D.C.). The contestants are Trump and Biden. And of course in december transit saturn-jupiter square his moon. But based on my analysis, there are two things I can say. He can put force behind his reasoning and convince many people. We’ll all want to help each other out on an emotional level and make sure the election runs efficiently— even though Neptune retrograde will bring anxieties our way. The table above comparing the transits to the horoscope of Donald Trump and Joe Biden shows both to have a mix of helpful and unhelpful transits. A comparison of election day transits to the horoscopes of Donald Trump and Joe Biden gives some insights on … What about the astro-predictions for Donald Trump in 2020, when we have the US Presidential elections? Donald Trump’s Fate in 2020 US Presidential Elections The United States presidential elections began from 3rd November 2020, for which Mr Trump is contending once again. Oprah Magazine participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. What Democrats Are Running for President? The president of the united states. Planet of communication, Mercury, will end its retrograde journey in the middle of the day on November 3. Biden has a Sagittarius ascendent, which makes his Midheaven—the house in a birth chart that denotes public affairs and career—ruled by Virgo. Fuelled by negative thinking, Jupiter conjunct Pluto can produce selfishness, greed, jealousy, self-righteousness, ruthlessness, fanaticism, extremism, and revenge. 2020 Election Astrology: What the Stars Say About the U.S. Presidential Race. First: Both Biden and Trump are meant to run against each other in 2020; the cosmic connections—like their personal Nodes of Destiny—that link them together at this moment in time, showing that they are fated to be opponents in this election. SHARE. Both indicating strength and success. And does he say things that he later regrets? There’s a lot that’s brewing beneath the surface here, but mostly, it’s relating to the fact that, based on his birth chart, his beliefs seem unwavering. The vote counts and the calling of the election result may be delayed by court cases. AC/DC, nope, no alignment MUMBAI: Even with Democrat candidate Joe Biden steadily closing in on victory with 264 Electoral votes and US President Donald Trump with 214, across the United States early on Friday, an Indian Astrologer has predicted otherwise stating that Donald Trump would win the elections for the second time. In order to get a full picture of what fortunes lie ahead for the United States of America, we need to divide the country’s predictions into sections. It is even more indicative of sudden change, civil unrest, violence, and rebellion than the preceding new moon. By the way, elections in a democracy are totally based on people’s votes and people’s trust in their representative and it matters the most. Well, the climate change is Aquarian. On November 1, Mercury formed a square with Saturn, most likely giving us a preview of who will become president—even though the election doesn’t take place until November 3. Biden officially announced the candidacy on April 25 2019. Share on google. However, in good news for Trump, planetary combination surrounding health issues usually means a speedy recovery. Share on … We are not The moon phases leading up to the 2020 US Election point to anger, frustration, and change. So in summary? Here is Donald Trump's Solar Return for the upcoming year, from June 13th 2020 to June 13th 2021. The solar eclipse sextile trumps Ascendant. This means that he’s definitely going to be in the headlines for the next year-and-a-half, regardless of whether or not he’s our President. That is why he wanted an extra hand in the supreme court so badly. The United States of America has a few astrology charts and after a great deal of testing the most accurate one I have found for date-stamped prediction is set January 2 nd, 1776 at a token time of 12.00pm noon. Well, this the Jackpot!! THE US election is at a critical point and the world is waiting to see if Donald Trump will remain at the White House, or if Democrat Joe Biden will become the 46th President. Home  /  Mundane Astrology  /  Politics  /  2020 US Election Astrology. On Election Day 2020, Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde for part of the day—and the astrology prediction is that things will get chaotic. Therefore, the announcement of who wins may be delayed as we all wait for the results to pour in—which aligns with what the news has been predicting, given that so many mail-in ballots will slow down the tallying process this year. Joe Biden's horoscope for the 2020 presidential election Five dates on the way all show that he wins (January 19, 2020) I have examined Joe Biden’s horoscope and its transits on five dates significant to the process of the 2020 presidential election, and they all indicate that he will win and become the next US president. N Xplosion of Winning!! Please note that any comments from either side of the aisle which serve only to inflame and do not add productively to the conversation will be deleted. Check out her astrology blog. And the conjunction is close to Saturn which is square Mercury. So when it comes to the election, by looking ahead to November 3 while also taking a look at the birth charts of each candidate, astrologers like me can start to glean some clues as to what the future for this country might hold. Planet of communication, Mercury, will end its retrograde journey in the middle of the day on November 3. On Election Day, planet of action Mars, meanwhile, will be retrograde—it started moving backwards on September 9, and will continue its moonwalk until November 13 in Aries. Thanks Bob, good observations. Hilary Clinton supporters were predicting her win, while Trump supporters predicted his win. Biden also represented Delaware in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009. Share on twitter. Words become nasty, mean, insulting, and derogatory. For the previous presidential election prediction (2016) read this article >> Chart #2 was cast by Sonia Medeiros. But while the stars can usually lend us some major insight to help us answer quandaries like this, let me go ahead and say that the only thing I know for certain is that this election is sure to be well...a doozy, thanks to a particularly frenetic celestial vibe. One thing is for sure: According to the stars, this will be one of most unpredictable elections in history. Now even PBS, and shame on them for their OPEN BIAS, who clearly supported the Democrats all four years and all the attacks against Mr. Trump’s presidency, is saying to give Biden access to secrets as he’s President-Elect – NO HE’S NOT, MAYBE IT LOOKS LIKE IT, BUT JUST ON TELEVISION. Mars was also retrograde in Taurus during the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800...and there was a lot of chaos leading up to, during, and after that election. One of Nostradamus’s most important prediction for the year 2020 is based on the presidential elections in the United States which will take place at the end of this year: Trump might lose the elections and his seat will be taken by a younger candidate. He was born during the Full Moon in Sagittarius; according to his chart, the Full Moon would peak an hour after he was born. Ceres conjunct IC (Exact Jan 27 2021) Neptune conjunction IC (Exact Mar 2021) Jupiter conjunction Saturn square natal Moon (H6) (Dec 21 2020) gif (1×1) In this video look at the astrology of the night of the 1st election debate which was pretty awful for Trump. However, this alignment can also amplify and intensify negative energy. Strap up, strap in, and grab your wine, because this election day is going to bring on lots of confusion. This draws in a new generation of voters – a demographic born with the outer planets Uranus and/or Neptune also in … Finally, the biggest difference which favors Joe Biden is transiting Pluto sextile his Mercury. Yes, I am talking about the election of the Presidency. Going by the Venus Cycle upon which US Presidential Elections are based (those smarty pants Venus-worshiping Founders of ours--or was it Mason FDR when he changed the ceremony to January 20? I am just trying to understand what it is that some find favorable. This probably favors Joe Biden but the potential for civil unrest, violence, and rebellion is not good for anyone. The Sun is square trumps Pluto, while Venus is sextile Joe’s Pluto. Like most born under Sagittarius Full Moons, he has a strong and blunt personality. So give him a remote control with all the channels. The moon phases leading up to the 2020 US Election point to anger, frustration, and change. US presidential poll Who will be next US President? Share on email. Jaimini Astrological Analysis of Donald Trump for US Elections 2020. But thanks to astrology, I can give you some insight into what to expect—and how things might feel for all of us, according to the stars. Neptune will be squaring his natal Nodes of Destiny, the Sun, the Moon, and the Midheaven. If we take a look at the positions of his stars and planets, then it can be stated that his Kundli is undergoing a Major period (Maha Dasha) of the planet Jupiter, Saturn’s Sub Period (Antar Dasha) and Rahu’s Sub Sub period … And Election Day is when it will stop moonwalking, which it has been doing since October 13. Astrology Of Joe Biden Neptune is a planet known to add confusion to the mix of one’s energy. Please click the link below to learn more: 2020 is the beginning of not only a new decade, but a new astrological era. Maybe roll out product after the electoral college authenticates Year 2020 Give Them Pancakes®™ election? On 3rd November 2020 the biggest election of the world is going to take place. The moon phases leading up to November 3 give an indication of the general environment. The 2020 U.S. Election will be no less complicated than this entire year has been. But Joe Biden has more favorable transits, compared to Trump’s more challenging transits. Being born under a Taurus Full Moon implies that Vice President Biden is a stubborn person who won’t change his ideology. Transit to the charts of the candidates gives both of them a fighting chance. This is just an early Vedic Astrology assessment of 2020 Presidential Election. Here are some headlines just from October 17: The October 31 full moon is extremely close to Uranus and also a violent fixed star. Enough opposition but the trine MC solves the opposition (basics of astrology). Joe Biden is an American politician who served as vice president of the United States of America from2009-2017. There’s good news and there’s bad news. This 2020 US election astrology prediction looks at the astrology of election day to explain the extreme polarization and civil unrest this election is causing. It looks like Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Our editors handpick the products that we feature. Donald Trump had become president of USA by defeating Democratic Party’s Hilary Clinton in a tight contest in November 2016. Both have good transits to their Midheavens, indicating career success. A big raspberry to you. Of course the nodal return in two weeks. His Taurus Moon aligns with the fixed star Mirach, which brings a pleasant demeanor to his astrological chart. Postal votes may be lost and recounts are very likely. He saw this coming long ago. This means that the universe is checking in with him once more to make sure he’s on the right path and propelling him to his fate. After reading this you will know why Trump won’t give up. The truth of the matter is that it’s going to take time before the candidates even know themselves, due to planetary aspects. We’ll start by looking at the 2020 presidential elections before going on to look at Trumpindividually, the people of the US, and the economy. Share on linkedin. This means that he has juxtaposing energies blended into his chart, due to his Sun and Moon opposition. The US Elections are really null and void because we have written that whomever succeeds to the Presidency has a really good chance of being assassinated, shot and/or fatality wounded due to the astrological conjunct of Saturn and Jupiter December 21, 2020; The Great Conjunction. This occurs every 18 years when the Nodes of Destiny return to the place they were at the time of birth. For more stories like this, sign up for our newsletter. A comparison of election day transits to the horoscopes of Donald Trump and Joe Biden gives some insights on who will be the next president of the USA. This 2020 US election astrology prediction looks at the astrology of election day to explain the extreme polarization and civil unrest this election is causing. As per Jaimini Astrology analysis, Donald Trump is going through the Chara Dasa of Cancer (Kark Rasi) which started on 14-06-2018 & will last till 14-06-2026. It will help add practicality, structure, and discipline to the way the voters may cast their ballots. Share on facebook. Why? This denotes a day filled with intellectual and philosophical sentiments. Trying 2 understand WHY some support the irrational killer of Democracy. Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Wendell C. Perry, author of the new Behind the Horoscpe.. A lot of astrologers are looking at the chart for Election Day 2020 (Nov. 3) with trepidation, mostly because Mercury will be retrograde for much of the day. The jupiter aspects look like “disappointments after high expectations”. So based on the mood for change from the October 31 blue moon, and the respective transits, I predict Joe Biden will become the next president of the USA. 15 of the Best Astrology Books for Zodiac Lovers, The Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign in the 2020s, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. This places transiting Neptune (which is now retrograde in Pisces) in opposition to his Midheaven. As an astrologer, the number one question I’ve been asked in 2020 is: “Who will win the upcoming Presidential Election?” Now, I’m an astrologer, not a psychic. This means that there’s a lot of action in his career right now. Coming to current times, the crucial cycle in his horoscope, which is combination of Ketu-Moon and Rahu-Sun is activated currently and will continue till November and later when the US election results are out. I came across an interesting article couple of days ago. I have the election results still being contested past the Jan 20 swear-in date. Also, you may lik… The lunar eclipse sextile Bidens Mars. ivil unrest, violence, and rebellion than the preceding new moon. Both have good aspects from the preceding eclipses. He is currently the Democratic party who is going to be the candidate in the upcoming elections of 2020. Raspberry Nemises, sounds like it could be new Ice Cream flavor? In 2016 astrologers everywhere attempted to predict whether Clinton or Trump would win the November US Presidential election. In the two days since the new moon, there has been a surge of civil unrest across the world. It’s important to note that Trump's Sun and Moon are being currently triggered by the karmic Nodes of Destiny and enlightened Neptune, during his nodal return. The Moon (which denotes the overall energy of a situation, and changes every 2.5 days) will be in Gemini conjunct to the North Node of Destiny on Election Day. The October 16 new moon was opposite Mars and square Saturn and Pluto. The time is coming for the election. New Moon December 14, 2020 – Solar Eclipse, Jupiter Conjunct Saturn December 21, 2020 – The Great Conjunction, Teacher decapitated in Paris suburb, France’s anti-terror prosecutor says [cnn], Thailand protests: Thousands rally for third straight day despite government ban [bbc], Covid: Far-right protesters attack Slovak government office over virus measures [bbc], Anti-Netanyahu Protests Resume in Jerusalem, Across Israel, in Shadow of Right-wing Violence [haaretz], Women’s March holds rallies against Trump’s Supreme Court pick [aljazeera], London anti-lockdown protests: Thousands of anti-vaxxers march through capital on day one of Tier 2 [standard], Pakistan’s united opposition protests against Imran Khan’s rule [theguardian], End Sars: Sports stars join protest against police brutality [bbc], Full Moon December 29, 2020 – Welcome Change, Full Moon November 30, 2020 – Lunar Eclipse, Uranus Square Ascendant Natal and Transit. Lunar Node, nada, A spoiler alert: I can't tell you who is going to win the 2020 election. But there are some major differences. Predicting the outcome of an election is a tempting exercise, but extremely difficult in practice. And second? Not by a landslide, but still enough to get the job. Understanding is a part of normalcy. In mid-to late January in the USA, no one will know who the president is. The year 2020 is a threshold to cross, a pause between the way it has been and the way it will be, necessitating a confrontation with all the difficult challenges in need of a remedy within civilization. Share on facebook. So a word of advice: Double check your ballot before submitting it, and make sure your ballot is mailed in ASAP, because your vote will count more than ever in deciding the winner this year. This greatly increases the disruptive influence of Mercury stationary direct. You may be right Joe. The Major topic of 2020 will of course be centered around the Presidential Elections and it… The cosmos are shaking things up and awakening his chart, pushing him to embrace his destiny and fate in this lifetime. (It goes direct at 12:50 PM EST.) Election 2020 ... election results to become clear in the United States—echoing the projections of more temporal forecasters. WorldPsychic Predictions – 2020-2021 These Predictions were: – Posted Jan 01, 2020 8:31 Pm. From the beginning I tried to keep up with the bald-faced inaccuracies the x-potus raged on about. And this could bring about a positive transformation affecting the masses. Now let’s have a look at Joe Biden’s Horoscope His Moon in the sign of Sagittarius explains President Trump’s tendency to impulsively tweet. Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 at 8:30 a.m. in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Is the 12th house in a birth chart that denotes public affairs career—ruled. 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